Board of Directors
Esteemed legal professionals and passionate community members make up our Board—all strong advocates for justice in our legal system.
Chair: Ernest Dial, Hennepin County Office of the Public Defender’s Office
Vice-Chair: Manny K. Atwal, Federal Defender’s Office of Minnesota
Secretary: Marcus Almon, Almon Law Office
Charles Clippert, Clippert Law Firm
Dan Guerrero, Meshbesher & Spence, Ltd.
The Honorable Michael Davis, United States District Court, District of Minnesota
Thomas Powell, Community Member
Cean Shands, Attorney at Law
Pamela L. Stewart, 3M
Meagan Thwaites, Boston Scientific
John Ursu, Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP.
Herman White, Ramsey County Community Corrections